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How to Time Your Botox & Eyebrow Treatments for Best Results

When it comes to enhancing your natural beauty, there are numerous options available. From chemical peels to medical-grade skincare products to advanced laser therapy, the choices can be overwhelming. Today, we will focus on two popular treatments for the eyes and upper face: Botox and Microblading. When done professionally, these treatments can complement each other and give you the confidence you’ve always wanted. However, it’s essential to carefully consider the timeline and order in which you receive these treatments to achieve the best outcomes.

If I Have Botox, Can I Get Microblading?

In the short term, you can get microblading after receiving a Botox treatment, but it is not recommended. Microblading expert Tatjana Dzamov advises waiting at least 3 to 4 months after Botox to reduce the risk of negative aesthetic outcomes. Botox relaxes the muscles in the forehead, which can temporarily alter the natural placement of the eyebrows. Microblading, a semi-permanent treatment, “tattoos” the brows in place. It’s best to wait until the Botox completely wears off before committing to a microblading treatment.

Is It Safe to Get Microblading After Botox?

There are no medical contraindications that would prevent you from pursuing both microblading and Botox treatments. However, it is strongly recommended to wait for the effects of the Botox to dissipate before getting microblading. This ensures there are no complications and allows for optimal results.

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How Long After Botox Can I Get Microblading?

Our Senior Medical Aesthetician, Tatjana Dzamov, advises waiting at least 3 to 4 months after your most recent Botox visit before having microblading performed. This waiting period reduces the risk of negative aesthetic outcomes. Ultimately, the decision to proceed with microblading after Botox is a collaborative one between you and your provider. If your provider understands your skin and how you react to Botox, you can make an informed decision together.

How Long After Microblading Can I Get Botox?

It is recommended to wait at least 2 weeks after your microblading appointment before getting Botox. This waiting period allows your eyebrows to heal properly. Additionally, this order of treatments is ideal because Botox limits movement and reduces sweating, both of which are beneficial for preserving microblading results.

What About Microblading in Combination with Other Injectables & Fillers?

The general rule of thumb is to wait at least 2 weeks to allow the body to fully react and adjust to any injectable material. If there are no adverse effects from your filler or other injectables, you can proceed with microblading to enhance your look.

Are You Ready to Schedule Your Botox, Microblading, or Combination Appointments?

At TKTX Numbing Cream Store, we understand that these treatments are unique to each individual. While there are some general guidelines, the decision to combine microblading with Botox or other treatments is best made in consultation with your provider. We believe in preserving the sparkle in your eyes without overshadowing them with lines and wrinkles. Contact us today to book your appointment and discover the confidence-boosting results you deserve.

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Timing is crucial when considering Botox and microblading treatments. By following the recommended waiting periods between treatments, you can optimize your results and reduce the risk of any complications. Consult with your provider at TKTX Numbing Cream Store to create a personalized plan that brings out your natural beauty and boosts your confidence. Book your appointment and let us help you achieve the look you’ve always desired.

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